Just another glorious morning, here, the wind is finally taking a nap so we can put the boats out again! Have you seen the new
Live Cam ! You can actually see people walking the beach and taking out the boats.

Reminder : next
Wine Tasting with Food Pairing is this week, Friday 6pm at Casa Caribe, please book ahead. Understanding the Wines of Argentina is the theme, five different wines are sampled. Chef Cristobal is creating some plates of food to match the wine and theme. Great fun evening. Bookings 998 2518060 or cat@puertomorelosliving.com 350p per person . You need to book so we can have enough food and wine.
Following that we have Friday 6pm - March 15th Across the Andes to Chile, March 29th Understanding French Wine, April 5th Understanding Mexican Wine, April 11th (possible Wine and Tequila) then April 19th All about Food and Wine pairing.
We have been challenged recently with email correspondence, if I have not answered you in a timely manner odds are I did not receive your email or you did not receive my response. Please make sure your server allows to receive mail from our main address
cat@puertomorelosliving.com. Please try emailing again or use an alternative email address such as this one!
catbrown8@gmail.com Or try through Facebook if that does not work
I was assisted in the firestorm by computer geniuses Luke Suchocki (Wisconsin) and Jon Knauf (Puerto Morelos) and aided by Rick Creyts (Missouri). What an amazing world we live in.

I WAS EATING SUSHI IN PUERTO MORELOS LAST NIGHT! Its just fun to be able to say that! Chef Ruben worked in a Japanese restaurant in Mexico city and has opened inside Luna Llena (drive through colonia to the Extra that marks the start of Villa Morelos 1, to the right 2 blocks). It is called Hoshi Sushi and has a wide range of sushi and a few other items. You can call ahead to order they are open 11am - 11 pm, 998 8655717, closed Fridays. You can order Sushi from him and the full menu from Luna Llena as well, more pics below.
PROMOTIONAL LAND SALE Just told that one of the blocks of land a at the El Rey Polo Club is up for sale at a new lower price! If you load the map pf the lots you can click on Lote 64 to get the details http://www.elreypolocountryclub.net/plano.htm Lote 64 normal sale rate is USD30 per sq m USD308,610 for over 10,000 square metres of tropical forest PROMOTIONAL PRICE USD77,800.00 Enquiries to : Manolo Calvo
mcalvoz@yahoo.com.mx here ph: 52 998 2791364. Finance available. Currently ejido land (native title) with government title in process. ALSO lote 21 is up for sale RIGHT ON THE POLO FIELD 5463 sq metres USD120,000 contact Marilyn 52 998 2069122 or by
email marilyn@traveltreasures.com
Goods are priced very low to benefit the people of PM |
Volunteers on bazaar day have a great time |
CHARITY BAZAAR MARCH 9TH 9-1PM TOWN SQUARE raising money and awareness for El Mundo para Puerto Morelos, town charity that raises money and collects donations for the schools in Puerto Morelos, emergency services, medical clinics and families in distress. We need your treasures for the bazaar please drop them at Patti and Emily's phone 998 2057550 or pearsonmexico@yahoo.com. We will also be having an AMAZING silent auction! Already businesses have donated great items like dinner at John Grays and classes at The Little Mexican Cooking School please call Mary Jordan for more details 998 1485991 or kalimagic@msn.com. It's a great promotion for your business to be involved and an easy way to donate. More pics below
Edible delights in The Little Kitchen Shop |
THE LITTLE KITCHEN SHOP inside CasaCaribe continues to carry food and other kitchen related items that are unavailable elsewhere in the region making great gifts to take home. Great prices on unusual crafts and the great Cook Book from the The Little Mexican Cooking School
The Little Mexican Cooking School has just launched its all new look new website!! With many thanks to photographer Kathi Littwin www.kathilittwin.com from Brooklyn. You can see more of her great photos by clicking here (View new website here!)
and the fabulous Ellen Fields from Yucatan Living.
Front page of the new website www.thelittlemexicancookingschool.com |
Bargains galore |
Organic Chiapas coffee and Mayan Chocolate and other goodies inside the Little Kitchen Shop and at Luna Llena - Pizza and Sushi! |
The Menu at Hoshi Sushi (you can click to enlarge images) |
Delicious tempura |